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"Remember the Sabbath       and keep it holy."

Exodus 20:8




  • Sunday mornings at 9:00 am with Holy Communion

  • Online Worship service available anytime: YouTube link  

  • Seasonal Wednesday Worship at 6:30 pm during Lent & Advent


In-Person Worship at Prince of Peace is Sunday at 9:00 am

You will find yourself among welcoming worshippers with easy-to-follow worship materials, a message that connects to real life and music that can rearrange your inner life. Children are always welcome in worship and we offer playful and creative ways for all ages to engage with God.


Our worship is rooted in tradition while celebrating the stories and mysteries of our faith. Centered around Word and Sacrament, worship engages our liturgy (the work of the people.)

Online Worship is uploaded & available at your convenience

We offer a brief worship service each week with music, Bible readings, a sermon and prayers on Prince of Peace’s YouTube channel. A link and bulletin is sent in an email to our members. 



We are a blend of traditions with ever-evolving ways to connect with God and one another. We’ve got pews, beautiful stained-glass windows, liturgical art on and around our altar, a piano and organ. 


We practice two sacraments- Communion and Baptism.  We sing hymns and hear music that echoes with God's Word and our sermon lessons. We enjoy liturgical artwork that changes often to visually connects us to God. Rituals, stories and symbols in art all remind us of the faithfulness of God, who has reliably been showing up here when we come together, through word and sacrament for a really long time. We learn how to be God’s people together through song and prayer, and through sermons that help us see we are a part of God’s story, now and forever.


There’s an openness and creativity to what we do.  We deeply desire to help one another encounter the living God, who speaks into our lives as we are. We have fun, celebrate beauty and remind one another of our belovedness in God's community of faith.  We welcome everyone- especially kids. Our sanctuary includes space and resources for young artists to color and creatively play together.


What to wear- People wear all kinds of things to church.  Some folks wear suits or dresses and that’s fine. Many people wear jeans and that’s fine too. We love to see kids wearing jerseys at worship prior to their games.


Come as you are.

“Come into this place. Come in with all of your vulnerabilities and strengths, fears and anxieties, love and hopes. Come into this place where we can touch and be touched, heal and be healed, forgive and be forgiven. Come into this place, together we make it a holy place.”
                                                                                  -Rebecca Edmiston-Lange 




Music IS Ministry at PoP!


Music holds a very prominent role at PoP. We know that music changes and rearranges us. Our worship is enhanced by music that builds bridges and makes connections. As a congregation, we join our voices each week in praise to God. We have an eclectic musical palette and honor the musical gifts that are offered. Our worship music is accompanied by organ or piano depending on the style and our handbell choir, Bells of Peace, enhance worship about once a month during the fall, winter and spring.


Watch the E-Updates for opportunities to participate in music ministry at PoP or email to ask Chris about how you can get involved.

Hands girl playing piano
"You make beautiful things, you make beautiful things out of us." -ACS 925 lyrics


We believe that God speaks to us through words, music, poetry and visual arts. We are blessed to have a talented volunteer who incorporates the colors of each church season with layers of Biblical symbolism and visual explorations of God's transcendence among us, throughout the year.




Prince of Peace would like to help you schedule a baptism, prepare for your wedding, or walk with you as you plan a funeral. Contact our church office at 507-895-4440 or send us an email to learn more.



In the Sacrament of Holy Baptism, water and God’s promises connect the one who is baptized with the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This sacrament is an outward sign of our salvation and God’s unbreakable promise to us of forgiveness and new life in Jesus Christ. Baptism is once and for all, and it is for people of any age. The Lutheran church baptizes infants because we believe that baptism is about God's active grace and not something we earn or achieve.


Contact us to schedule a baptism date and arrange for a pre-baptism conversation.


Wedding Rings


A wedding is the making of a lifelong promise before God and the community. You do not have to be a member to request a wedding with our pastors. Our sanctuary can accommodate up to 400 guests.


Prince of Peace Lutheran Church will welcome any couple wishing to be married in our church, provided they complete a pre-marriage course with or approved by the pastor and have a legal marriage license.



Our Prince of Peace community of faith will accompany you and your loved ones through illness, dying, death, and the promise of resurrection. To schedule a funeral or memorial service contact the church office. Visitation and a luncheon may also be scheduled.


© 2024 Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, ELCA, La Crescent, Minnesota - All Rights Reserved

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