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"How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!"

Psalm 133:1



"Feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit ones in need of care,

Give the homeless warmth and shelter: Christ will find a welcome there.

Love and serve without distinction, all earth’s people, first and least.

Know within each act of kindness, hope and wholeness are increased."   


-ACS Hymn 939


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Prince of Peace wants to support you during life's ups and downs. If you or a loved one has been hospitalized and/or is in need of spiritual care, please contact the church office at 507-895-4440. 


If mobility is an issue, we have a team of Parish Visitors to help connect you to our church. Communion can be brought to your home, care facility or hospital upon request. To set up a visit or communion, call our office at 507-895-4440.

We believe in the benefits of prayer. To make your request known to our prayer chain group, email here.

"Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns."

Phillipians 4:6



As a church, we do all kinds of stuff together, and we'd love for you to join us. Groups can provide support and opportunities to grow.

If you are new to Prince of Peace, small groups are a great first step to getting connected in our church family. If you have been around for a while, small groups may be your next step to connecting with others with similar interests, passions and life stage. Try out one of our small groups and let's do life together!



Faith formation is a lifelong process of learning and growth. At Prince of Peace, we believe that all ages can be empowered to share God's love and find ways to serve during worship and throughout the year.

  • Our sanctuary and narthex are equipped with artist supplies and quiet toys to build on your faith in connection to weekly worship.

  • Faith Connect (All age, year-around Sunday School) meets near the end of worship most weeks.

  • VBS (Vacation Bible School) is the first week of August (Mon-Thur mornings) as well as Sharing Sunday. All ages participate in worship, arts, games, story sharing and service projects. All are welcome but registration is required.

  • JAM Club Fall/Spring afterschool group for 3rd & 4th grades

  • Annual Traditions include: Palm Sunday Egg Hunt, Advent Journey to Bethlehem Event, Winter VeggieTale Movie & Meal Nights, Peli Sunday with Noah's Ark the Musical & Sugar Creek Fundraiser Breakfast

To learn more or receive our weekly Faith Connect newsletter, email our Director of Faith Formation.​



At Prince of Peace, we believe that faith is shared in relational settings that mark our growth in Christ as we walk the milestones of faith.

  • Confirmation- 8th & 9th graders meet several times a month on Wednesday nights. 10th graders meet in the fall on Sunday nights.

  • Workcamp is for those entering 9th grades and older. It is a life changing week spent serving people in need and deepening relationships to God and one another.

  • Connect and Reflect is a ministry for 10-12th grade to stay involved in the church after they are confirmed. It is a time of food, games, and devotions and meets 1-2x a month during the school year.

  • Annual Traditions include: YNOW ecumenical youth group with contemporary worship, Halloween Trick or Treat for Food, Advent Service Project at Rotary Lights, Baccalaureate/Senior Sunday & VBS Crew Leader volunteering

To learn more, email our Youth Director. 



We invite you to join us for worship and participation year around

as we make God visible by welcoming, sharing and serving.


Check out our Facebook page for upcoming events

and sample our worship on our YouTube channel.


If you are ready to join Prince of Peace as a member,

please call our office (507-895-4440) or email us.


© 2024 Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, ELCA, La Crescent, Minnesota - All Rights Reserved

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