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  • Writer's pictureMike Woods


So this happened in church today…

On this Sunday, when masking became optional (except for singing), baby Maya H. came to worship for the first time ever. We remembered our online member Arla Mae as Pastor Mike began our gathering time with her favorite Psalm: “This is a day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.” Arla Mae Discher passed through death into our Lord’s eternal care Friday with her daughters, Terri and her sisters by her bedside.

Shirley Rosendahl and Scott Pechacek celebrated birthdays today. Shirley received applause. Scott got to read the lessons.

We set up sunflower seeds to germinate so that Peli kiddos can plant them this spring and take care of them this summer and together we will have created a peace garden outside of our West entrance. Peace work involves all of us.

We sang together as a congregation in our sanctuary for the first time in two years (this is what’s called burying the lead). Pastor Mike preached: How we are all waiting for a touch, a whisper, a taste, a song, every single one of us, a word telling us - we are so … so … WORTHY in the hands of our gardening God!

Young Ones drew pictures of gardens as we heard the story of the fig tree. Older Ones wrote stories of people who saw possibilities in them. Their pictures and stories were given as offerings.

We received what we needed to grow singing about and sharing the bread of healing and the cup of life forever and how Christ is with us.

At the end of worship Pastor Anna echoed what Scott had read to us earlier from Isaiah 43: reminding us that we are “holy, honored, precious and loved.”

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