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  • Writer's pictureMike Woods

Holy to Touch

Six years ago during worship we were asked: what is holy to our touch?

We asked this question the Sunday after Easter when Thomas was insistent on touching the holy - not so much out of doubt but because of his reverent love.

Things that are holy to our touch…

· Mother’s wedding ring

· Mom’s Bible

· I carry a small cross that says, “With God all things are possible.”

· My children

· Holding my wife’s hand during the Lord’s Prayer

· I keep a flat, smooth stone I received here at PoP in my purse. It reminds me God is with me everywhere

· My mother’s face

· Fingers touching when receiving communion

· Precious grandchildren

· My sisters

· A stone, given by a friend, with the word “yes” on it

· My worn out Bible

· My husband’s hand

· My knife

· My rock that says, “Be bold”

· I think of Jesus when I am with my family

· Above my bed I have a stone cross with the Lord’s Prayer written on it. I think I will touch it each night now before I crawl into bed

· Husband’s picture

· The Bible – God’s word

· Great granddaughter

· My grandmother’s KJV Bible with her notes

· All babies

· Animals

· Momentos of my kids’ childhood

· My dog’s soft fur

· The hats that I’m sewing for cancer patients

· A string of 10 gratitude beads, as I touch each one I name 10 things I am thankful for. I find this holy.

· The cross in my coin purse

· My father’s U.S. Marine dog tags. He passed away in 2006.

Things that are holy to our touch…

· A stone I carry ever since we handed them out at my dad’s funeral a decade ago

· Quilts

· That first cup of coffee in the morning when you can wrap your hands around its warmth and think about the day to come

· My first communion cup

· My prayer rock in my car

· A hug from a friend in a time of sorrow

· A stuffed animal that feels furry to remember those fingers who touched it last (a child, a confused elder)

· There are hundreds of shades of green this time of year, which is grass, leaves, flowers, bushes… These can be touched, smelled, seen and heard (everything grows so fast it must make noise)

· The cross my grandson made in Sunday School

· A cross, a sunrise, a break in the clouds when rays of sun shine down through them and my children. They are miracles of God.

· My grandma’s wedding ring

· My horse’s soft nose

· My mother’s hands which are now only with me in spirit

· Keepsakes from my parents

· A special cross necklace

· A coat that was my mom’s. Seeing it makes think of her loving, caring ways. Touching it bring to my mind and heart feelings of being loved and cared for.

· My grandbabies head and cheeks with my lips

· Grandchildren as they grow and mature

· Hugs with family and friends

· I have three flannel shirts that are well worn. One belonged to my grandfather, on to my uncle and the most precious of all, belonged to my father. When I need a hug – I wrap myself in a cozy flannel and “touch” my loved one who is no longer on this earth

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